Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bio-identical hormones are identified as those that have the exact chemical structure of hormones that are naturally produced in the body. This allows the hormone to function at its optimum level. Bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy is the delivery of hormone replacement via pellet placed under the skin. Data supports this as the safest and most effective method of hormone replacement therapy.
What are Hormone Replacement Pellets
Pellets are compounded estradiol or testosterone that are made from organic plant materials, which have the exact molecular structure of those hormones found in the body. They are pressed into a solid compound that is about the size of a cooked grain of rice. Using a relatively painless office procedure, they are inserted under the skin in the hip area. The pellets release small amounts of hormone directly into the bloodstream similar to that which the ovaries and testes produced during our younger adult years.

Symptoms of Menopause